Board of Education Regular Meeting
July 14, 2014 7:00 PM
Hayes Center High School
I. Call to Order – President Richards called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
in the Board room at the High School. Notice of this meeting was given in
advance to all board members.
I.A. Roll Call – Present Board Members: Joe Anderjaska, Connie Brott, Britt
Hill, Marian Richards, Bob Rosno. Amanda Johnson arrived at 7:15 P.M.
Superintendent Ron Howard and incoming Principal, Tony Primavera were also in
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance – President Richards led the Pledge of Allegiance.
I.C. Recognition of Visitors – Visitors were invited to sign in to speak to the
I.D. Recognition of Open Meetings Act poster – President Richards advised all in
attendance of the Open Meetings Act poster, which was displayed on the wall in
the Board room.
I.E. Adoption of Agenda - Motion Passed: Motion to adopt the agenda as
presented passed with a motion by Rosno and a second by Anderjaska.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Absent
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
II. Audience Communications - Rita Erickson discussed the possibility of running
the swim bus again to Palisade and questioned why there are only two home
volleyball games on this next year’s schedule.
Patty Gohl voiced concerns over purchasing for concessions.
III. Board Member/Committee Reports
III.A. Update on Community Engagement session on June 18th - A core committee
was established during this session. These individuals volunteered for this
committee. They have met once and will meet again July 17th to set an action
plan. The committee is still looking into the feasibility of hiring an economic
development person to come to the area.
III.B. Report on Daycare concerns – In order for the old high school building to
be used as a daycare, several things need to be updated, at a substantial cost
to the district. The Fire Marshall rejected the building as a daycare.
IV. Administrative Report
IV.A. District Calendar –
- The changes to the District Calendar as proposed is acceptable, to allow
more time for data assessment for the teachers.
- The Village approved the septic system at the bus barn
V. Action Items
V.A. Consent Agenda - Motion Passed: Motion to approve the consent agenda, as
presented, including items V.A.1 – V.A. 9, passed with a motion by Johnson and a
second by Rosno.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
V.A.1. Approve June 9, 2014 Regular Meeting minutes
V.A.2. Approve June 2014 Bank Transfers
V.A.3. Approve July 2014 Hot Lunch Fund claims for $45.62
V.A.4. Approve June Activity Fund claims for $2,528.22
V.A.5. Approve June Petty Cash claims for $1,764.86
V.A.6. Approve Depreciation Fund claims for $11,916.01
V.A.7. Approve June General Fund claim for $552.00
V.A.8. Approve July 2014 General Fund claims for $177,893.48
(Payroll $132,268.98, Bills $45,624.50)
V.A.9. Approve Financial Reports of the District
V.B. 14-15 District Calendar - Motion Passed: Motion to approve the changes to
the 14-15 District Calendar as recommended by the Communications Committee
passed with a motion by Rosno, and a second by Johnson.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
VI. Discussion - None
VII. Information Only
VII.A. Auditor renewal – Mr. Howard approved the current auditor, Dana F Cole
and Co to complete our audit again this year.
VIII. Correspondence - Thank you to the Board and Administration from Mrs.
IX. Future Agenda Items/Other
IX.A. 2nd Reading of Board policy sections 6000 and 7000
IX.B. New Board policies
IX.C. Parental Involvement Hearing
IX.D. Snapshot of 2014-2015 budget
X. Next Meeting
XI. Adjournment
Submitted by Connie Brott
These are a full draft of the minutes that will be considered for approval at
the next regular Board meeting.